Sleep Blog

The Gender Gap

The Gender Gap

While doctors don't know why, they do have theories about the increased prevalence in women over men.

The Gender Gap

While doctors don't know why, they do have theories about the increased prevalence in women over men.

What causes restless leg syndrome? While doctors may not know the cause, they have defined the syndrome with a number of criteria. Restless leg syndrome treatment is available and you don't have to suffer.

What is RLS?

While doctors don't know what causes restless leg syndrome, they have defined what it is. Learn more here.

What is RLS?

While doctors don't know what causes restless leg syndrome, they have defined what it is. Learn more here.

Restless leg syndrome treatment is available. Much of it is in the form of powerful drugs. It is important to speak with your doctor about any medical regimen. It is also important to consider any side effects and cross reactions with existing medications

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Ask ten people what they use for RLS remedies and you'll probably get 11 answers. Unfortunately there is no known restless leg syndrome cure and no one drug works for...

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

Ask ten people what they use for RLS remedies and you'll probably get 11 answers. Unfortunately there is no known restless leg syndrome cure and no one drug works for...